Foggy mornings get me out of bed
The high pressure system we are under at the moment is causing the bay to be enveloped
in thick fog every morning. If the sound of cruise liners sounding their fog horns doesn't wake me, the earthy, primeval smell of fog drifts in through the cabin hatch and like a child, I wake up immediately, throw on my fleecy clothes and stick my head up on deck. It has been the same every day for over a week but the damp, white mornings remain a thing of wonder.

I paddled out in Billy the other morning, slowly dipping the paddle into the perfectly still water, just sat still and breathed it all in.
In a few weeks time we will be taking Monty B out of the water for the winter. It is times like this that I will miss.
I won't miss having a wet bum every morning though (from the dew on Billy's sides, nothing more exciting than that!).