More wind, more engine trouble and irrational fear

Advice - start with Force 10 from Cephalonia and finish with this one as they run chronologically.

12-16 November 2007

During the next four days we had another two gales. One force 7/8 and the other a force 9. These were recorded winds on our pontoon, not out at sea. I struggled to deal with it and started to feel like something really terrible was going to happen. The fear became very wearing. It was just a shock reaction and I’m fine now but the wind still gives me the fear. I speak for both of us I think. As I write, we are stuck in Lefkas town, moored against the wall (oh no!), with the wind howling through the rig, lightening flashing and all of us a little nervous. According to the pilot book, there are 4 gales on average in this area each winter. So far this winter there have been gale force winds almost weekly and we have been through four full on gales.

Not wishing to talk endlessly about the engine as it is very dull, but I have to give poor old Tim some credit. The lad spent 8 days sorting out the fuel tank so we could get the engine working again. The battering we took in the storm had stirred up all the crap out of the bottom, of which there was a lot, so it had to be pumped out and drained. Then almost immediately, the seawater impeller broke (which causes the engine to overheat) which was another load of work. His love affair with the engine is waning.


Anonymous said…
I'm not sure I can manage to make a comment that matches the scale of your experiences and the way you've coped and yet still managed to narrate....

Keep safe kids...
