Usual boatyard nonsense but go faster stripe ticks all the boxes

Dah, just realised I don't have a photo of the finished article. To be added. The bottom right pic is 2 years of Hempel Mille Dynamic anti-foul paint applied onto a freshly sanded underside with 2 coats of epoxy primer. Should it look like this?
Does this happen in boatyards all over the world or is it just Montenegro? So, with engine running at 9am I ring the boatyard to check that they are ready for us (it was pretty optimistic of us to have even got out of bed, yet alone get ready to leave based on our previous experiences). I was doubly pleased that we had bothered as they told me they were not only ready but "waiting for us". Wow!
So, we arrived bang on 10.30 as promised and were a little surprised (though only a little) to see that there was not only a boat on the lift currently being worked on but also a yacht ensconced on the only cradle they have. I bit my tongue in the hope that this was all a simple organisational switch-around but then saw that they were beckoning us to moor up alongside some old dockside. Of course.
Ermm, we have a delay. Yeesss, I can see that. Though I can't imagine that the current situation is dramatically different to the one that existed an hour earlier when you were "ready". We will lift you at 3pm. Mmm, not great as we have to be back on the water tomorrow and have loads of out of water jobs to do. But what can you do?
5pm we were lifted. 7pm it got dark.
But amazingly, they did get us back on the water by 4pm the next day and our new underwater paint job looked pretty good. We've gone back to Northwind's original colours so Monty B is looking very yachtie again.
However, when we got back into the marina we noticed that because they'd rushed the job, the straps on the travel lift had not only smudged the new paint job, it had also left its imprint on the paintwork. Incredibly annoying.
But it was still a relief to get Monty B in and out of the water safely after 2 years on the water - plus we got to ride on the boat in the travel lift both ways (as did the nervous dogs) which was top fun.